It’s time to take back control.

Another exhausting day begins and you wonder if you’ll ever win the battle you fight with yourself.

Sometimes you wonder why you keep doing this to yourself—saying "yes" when all you want to do is scream "no" and just have a moment to breathe. But you can’t help it. The thought of disappointing someone, even just a little, fills you with so much anxiety that you’d rather put your own needs aside than risk upsetting anyone.

Life can feel different than the way it does today.

Your thoughts and fears are dictating everything from how you think about yourself to how you interact with others.

At work,

you’re covering shifts because someone had "something important" to do. You didn’t even ask what it was—how could you? What if they thought you were being nosy or, worse, that you didn’t care? So, you agreed, even though it meant you’d miss the yoga class you’ve been looking forward to all week. You know you need to take better care of yourself, but how can you say no to someone who needs you?

When you finally get home and are ready to relax,

your mom calls you wanting to talk about her problems. You love her and want to support her, but it’s the same conversation over and over, and you just don’t know how to help her. You dare not tell her that though. She’d be hurt, and you can’t stand the thought of making her feel worse. So, you listen, nod along, and offer the same advice you always do, even though you know she won’t take it.

Everyone is leaning on you but you have no one to rely on.

You wonder, when will they show up for you?

Therapy can help you break the cycle of over thinking & over giving.

It’s possible to stop worrying so much about what everyone else thinks, and to stop bending over backward to please everyone. You can stop stressing about the disappointed looks, the silent judgments, and the possibility of being seen as selfish when you take care of yourself. You can overcome the fear of rejection and of not being liked.

  • Internal conflict of what to say and not say, or do or not do

  • Guilt and exhaustion from pleasing everyone and trying to be perfect

  • The cycle of self-neglect 

  • The struggle to break free from the habit of always putting others first

Imagine life without:

Together we will:

  • Understand the drive behind why you people-please and strive for perfection

  • Increase compassion towards yourself

  • Change your internal dialogue to decrease self-criticism 

  • Set boundaries with confidence and without fear of abandonment


What others have wondered about therapy for anxiety

  • I’d love to tell you there’s an easy 30 day program, but that’d be a lie. Truthfully, it’s different for each person and can be affected by prior work done, level of anxiety experienced, and commitment to the therapeutic process. I believe in giving you practical skills that you can use between sessions. My goal is that each skill gives you some relief (although not all will work for you) and eventually we’ll create an arsenal that allows you to successfully manage your anxiety on daily basis.

    Now that said, anxiety isn’t all bad and ‘never experience it again’ is not a realistic goal, but instead to understand it and manage it.

  • If you often find yourself needing others to validate your feelings, experiences, or opinions, you struggle with thoughts of worthlessness, or if you play the comparison game to see how you measure up- you can benefit from self-esteem therapy.

  • There are several ways to take the next step:

    1. You can self schedule your free consultation by clicking HERE

    2. You can email me at

    3. You can call me at 469-573-4912

More questions? Check out my FAQs page.

Find freedom from your thoughts