Erica Brown, LPC


I can help you find balance.

Tired of feeling like you aren’t enough?

You’re in the right place.

On the outside, you appear happy, confident, and put together. On the inside you feel lost, isolated, empty, and misunderstood. You’re under constant pressure to do and say everything right. You’re so used to being judged and critiqued that you do it preemptively in your own mind- you can’t say that you’ll sound stupid, people will think you’re rude if you don’t do xyz. The overthinking and over analyzing are draining your mental and emotional energy. It effects how you view yourself and how you show up in your relationship with others.

You realize you're making decisions based on what is best for everyone else, or out of fear of not being accepted- not what's best for you. You're fading into the background of your own life. It has to be this way or at least that's the story you've told yourself.

It is so exhausting

About Therapy

I get that therapy can be scary, having someone listen to all the thoughts and experiences you never say out loud. You’re trusting me with the parts of yourself you hide from everyone else. I work hard to earn your trust and create a space that is safe for you to shed the expectations of the world, and be who you truly are without fear of abandonment or being judged.

While we may use talk therapy, it’s not the boring lay on the couch sessions you see on TV (although I encourage my clients to be comfortable). I incorporate several modalities to help customize treatment to what works best for you. I provide education so you can stop feeling broken and start realizing all the things you wish you didn’t do, are simply skills that helped you survive. Then we work on learning new skills and getting you out of survival mode.

I get how constantly prioritizing others' needs can lead to feelings of resentment, anxiety, and a loss of identity. Therapy provides a supportive environment where you can explore and process your emotions, allowing for personal growth and the development of healthier coping mechanisms.

Together, we’ll delve deeper into the underlying reasons behind your unique behavioral patterns. Through open and honest conversations you’ll gain insight into your thought patterns, emotions, and past experiences . By understanding the underlying causes, you’ll begin to challenge and reshape your beliefs and behaviors.

Hello, I’m Erica

“We all make sense in the context of our experiences. Often we shame ourselves for our responses and reactions instead of understanding how these behaviors developed. By understanding why we do the things we do, we can begin to implement the change we desire.”

About Me

I grew up in the era of children should be seen and not heard. I was taught to be a "good little girl" who followed the rules, made the grades, and stayed below the radar. There wasn't space for mistakes, failures, or emotions. I was taught my value was in how I could be of service to others, how agreeable I was, and how low maintenance I could be. I'd be lying if I said these "lessons" were completely detrimental. In reality, I thrived in school, helped others, and it led me to a career I love. I also know it has caused problematic behaviors that I've had to unlearn such as, always saying yes, not telling others when they've hurt my feelings or let me down, not wanting to ask for help when I need it, not allowing myself to express my emotions, and beating myself up for any little mistake I made. ​

Now, I enjoy being a bit of a rebel, making my own path and doing what feels authentic to me. I've reclaimed my identity from what others wanted me to be and became who I was always meant to be. I work with you to have that same level of empowerment in your life. No longer feeling pressured to live up to everyone else's expectations and instead connect with who you truly are and what. you want for your life. We create a balance between helping others and saying no when we're overwhelmed, achieving and taking a break when we need it, and setting goals but allowing ourselves to stumble and get back up without the harsh criticism. 

I'd love to help you reconnect with who you truly are and achieve balance in your life. 

License & Education

  • Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in Texas

    • #76919

  • Licensed Out of State Telehealth Provider in Florida

  • Master of Arts in Professional Counseling

  • Master of Arts in Marriage & Family Therapy

  • Bachelor or Arts in Psychology

Its time to believe you are enough