Helping you get out of your head and into your life

Online therapy for Anxiety, Stress & Burnout, and Relationships in Dallas and throughout Texas

It feels like your life isn’t your own

Does this sound familiar:

  • You go to great lengths to make others happy, sometimes at the cost of your personal happiness

  • You agree with others, even if it means suppressing your own opinions or needs

  • You take on more responsibilities than you can handle.

  • You set unrealistically high standards for yourself

  • You look to others for their opinions prior to making decisions

You spend so much of your time thinking about everyone else- what they need, how they feel, what they're thinking. Your energy is drained managing your interactions, careful not to say or do the wrong thing or hurt anyone's feelings. 

You're so busy worrying about everyone else that at the end of the day, you have nothing to give yourself. The workout you wanted to complete, the new recipe you wanted to try, the corner of your room you've been meaning to organize for months- they're all pushed off until another day. Instead, you go through the drive-thru, come home and disconnect with your favorite comfort show or by scrolling through your phone. 

As you call it a day you reflect on the things you didn't achieve, all the tasks left undone, and all the goals unmet. You criticize yourself and are so frustrated with yourself.

You just can’t figure out why showing up for yourself is so hard

I see you

You're putting everyone else's needs and wants ahead of your own. You’ve lost who you are and are consumed with what you appear to be to everyone.

I'm Erica, I understand what it feels like to constantly take care of everyone else, worry about their needs and feelings, and completely neglect yourself. I know the battle you experience when you want to say no, but can't stand the thought of disappointing someone. I'm here to help you create the balance between caring about others AND caring for yourself.

Learn more about working with me >

Therapy for Anxiety

Your mind seems to be your worst enemy. From critical self-talk and comparing yourself with others to worst-case scenarios and analyzing past conversations. Your anxiety is running the show and you’re struggling to manage it. You’re ready to find peace of mind and take charge of your life.

Calm Your Mind

Therapy for Stress & Burnout

Every day feels like a struggle. You hit the snooze button because just thinking about everything you need to do is exhausting. Despite this, you still say yes to helping others and struggle to ask for help, even though you feel like you’re drowning. You’re ready to move beyond the grind of keeping your head above water.

Create Balance

Therapy for Relationships

You struggle to feel confident in relationships and constantly worry if you’re enough. You don’t want to be a burden, so you suppress your needs and wants and notice yourself feeling less fulfilled in the relationship and slowly building resentments. You’re ready to feel secure in your relationship and ask for what you need and want. You can learn how to have real relationships and feel worthy of love.

Connect Authentically

Starting therapy should be simple.

Schedule a free, no-obligation consultation to decide if I’m a good fit for you and to learn more


Reach out to schedule your first appointment

It’s time to take care of you